Cinema: Enjoy New Stories

Embark on cinematic journeys with our diverse AI-generated films. Enjoy an array of genres, from classics to contemporary hits, all streaming for free on our platform. Discover your next favorite story with us!
Studio: Craft Your Story

Step into the director’s chair with our AI-powered studio. From scripting to screen, our tools empower you to bring any genre to life. Create, experiment, and watch your film visions become reality.
Newest Movies
Top Movies
Creative Toolkit for Visionaries
Empower your creative journey with advanced tools. From initial concept to final publication, our suite offers comprehensive solutions for every stage of film and media production.
Create Ideas & Scripts
Generate ideas, write scripts and create storyboards.
Generate Imagery & Video
Generate images and video shots with AI, and ensure character consistency.
Dialogue & Sound Effects
Generate dialogues and unique sound effects for an immersive experience.
Compose Soundtracks
Compose captivating soundtracks tailored for your films.
Upload Assets & Movies
Upload any file type (image, video, audio) for your project or upload full movies.
Edit & Export
Edit your films, modify scenes and shots, and export the resulting film.
Publish & Share
Publish your creation on our website for everyone to see and get likes.
Future Features
New AI tools and formats for ads, TV, tutorials, social media. Potential future revenue sharing options.
Your Ultimate Cinema Hub
Experience the wonder of AI-generated cinema with AIflixhub's endless movie library. Create and showcase your own films on your personal page, and curate your collection by saving and organizing favorites.
Choose Your Plan
Trial Plan
Try it for free!
- Personal use
- Watch unlimited movies
- Generate & Upload assets
- 50 free credits
- 0s of video
- 1 Simultaneous AI task
- 1GB assets
- No support
Basic Plan
$15 per month
Ideal for personal use!
- Personal use
- Watch unlimited movies
- Generate & upload assets
- 1000 credits per month
- ~200s of AI video
- 3 Simultaneous AI tasks
- 25GB assets
- Priority support
Pro Plan
$45 per month
Ideal for professionals!
- Commercial use
- Watch unlimited movies
- Generate & upload assets
- 3000 credits per month
- ~600s of AI video
- 5 Simultaneous AI tasks
- 100GB assets
- Priority support & request feature
Studio Plan
$195 per month
Ideal for studios!
- Commercial use for 5
- Watch unlimited movies
- Generate & upload assets
- 15000 credits per month
- ~3000s of AI video
- 15 Simultaneous AI tasks
- 500GB assets
- Priority support & request feature
*For certain AI models, only research and non-commercial use are allowed, even if you hold a commercial use plan.